Prince Lionheart - Uppy2 Step Stool, Galactic Grey
Product Details
On foot with 2 steps: adhering surface to a very high stability.||Very easy to move by small: very useful when the baby starts taking more independence.||The uppy2 stool is great for children.||If you don't like the products, you can return them within 30 days, unless otherwise specified.||The decisive date for compliance with the 30-day period is the date on which your return package is sent to DeinDeal.||On foot with 2 steps: adhering surface to a very high stability.||Very easy to move by small: very useful when the baby starts taking more independence.||The uppy2 stool is great for children.||If you don't like the products, you can return them within 30 days, unless otherwise specified.||The decisive date for compliance with the 30-day period is the date on which your return package is sent to DeinDeal.||Exceptions to this are always explicitly mentioned in the product description.||DeinDeal works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!||Every day, new and unique offers are published in the various channels.