PetAlive Respo-K
Product Details
PetAlive Respo-K is a 100% natural blend of herbal and homeopathic ingredients specially selected to treat and prevent colds and respiratory infections in pets. Respo-K comes in small lactose tablets which are readily taken by dogs and which may be crushed and easily administered to cats.If you have noticed signs of lethargy, coughing, sneezing, fever and runny eyes or nose, then your pet is probably suffering from a cold or upper respiratory infection. This is an infection of the nose, throat and upper airways similar to when humans get a cold or flu. Cats are particularly prone to respiratory infections, but dogs can also contract them, including the common problem of kennel cough.You may also notice that your pet has stopped eating; this happens particularly to cats because their appetites are primarily driven by smell. If a cat's nose is blocked and he cannot smell, he will probably become more picky about what he will eat or stop eating altogether for a few days.Like humans, pets are also susceptible to secondary sinus and chest infections that can result from an untreated cold or initial upper respiratory infection.Although respiratory infections usually resolve within about 7-10 days, very young or very old pets may be at serious risk when infected with a cold or respiratory infection. For this reason, one should never ignore a pet's illness. Prompt attention and treatment will save your pet much discomfort and, in weaker animals, may even save their life.What causes respiratory infections in pets?Various harmful organisms like viruses and bacteria can cause upper respiratory infections in pets and the nose, eyes, throat and sinuses may all be involved. These may be contagious among pets, but the organisms that affect pets are usually different from those affecting humans so catching a cold from your pet, or the other way around, sho... view more